The enterprise has successfully completed the project to introduce ACS TL “CTRL+car”, which increases the efficiency of logistics within the production site.
The aim of the project was to create a unified information system for managing the business processes of railway logistics from filing a wagon to the internal paths of the company, to the release of a loaded car in general use of Russian Railways, including the preparation, unloading, inspection, loading, shunting operations, design of railway documents with electronic electronic documents signature, as well as monitoring the dislocation of rolling stock online.
A similar solution is built on the basis of the CTRL+carriage system and the railway dispatcher. The System Introducing Partner was ITL Consulting. During the implementation of the project, the integration of SAP ERP and 1C systems was carried out according to the outgoing and incoming logistics modules, as well as with the Etran system. If earlier the interaction of a number of the service involved the exchange of paper documents, today this stage is not required.
In addition, the developed architecture made it possible to exchange information regarding the deployment of wagons with the owner and supplier of wagons, which significantly increased the effectiveness in the issue of monitoring the delivery of raw materials and products.
Operating Director of the Zagorsky Pipe Plant Sergey Lyakh: “Our enterprise pays great attention to digitalization and optimization of the work process. The proposed decision gives us the possibility of prompt response to changes in logistics processes starting from detail to specific operations ”.