SHTS Shpunt: what is it and where it is applied
STS, a pipe -pipe welded or simply pipeline - a steel product, the main “working advantage” of which should be considered high strength, the ability to withstand the loads in various directions.
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Shpunti pipe. Shpunti fencing of the foundation pit
Each construction, whether it is a residential building or an engineering and technical facility, begins with a pit and its devices. Correctly carried out preparatory measures - a guarantee of the safety of the implementation of all subsequent work.
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Strengthening the foundation pit with a shpunti pipe fence
Today, the technologies for the installation of pits using a shpunta fence from pipes are actively used by construction companies both in civil and industrial construction.
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Pipe factories in Russia
The metallurgical industry is the “iron foundation” of the entire economy of Russia. Production, especially large, construction, transport - it is impossible to imagine without the use of steel products, which is produced by numerous metallurgical enterprises.
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Large diameter steel pipes: their types and use
Large diameter pipes are products, the external diameter of which starts from 530 mm. And this is the case when "the size matters."
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Large diameter piles: load calculation
In modern construction, pile foundations using brownish technologies are actively used in the construction of objects of various scales and appointments.
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Large diameter pipes dimensions
Pipes and various types of pipeline are actively used in a wide variety of sectors of the economy. For example, in construction, when they are used in the arrangement of pile foundations. Here, the main requirement is strength, and it is determined not only by the brand of steel and the method of manufacture, but also by the geometric dimensions of a large diameter pipe, its length, directly with the diameter and thickness of the wall.
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Production of large diameter pipes in Russia
The pipes are large diameter, that is, products with a diameter from 530 mm to 1420 mm or more - this is a real “steel classic”. At least just because of the size of the products themselves, and the production of large diameter pipes can only be the largest steel companies and tube plants in Russia.
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The use of a shopant fence from pipes
According to the construction standards and rules (SNiP) currently in Russia, the fence of the walls of the pit must be carried out with relatively “small” depths. The fencing device is required when the foundation depth exceeds 1.25 meters in the case of sandy and other “mobile” soils, and even in the case of dense soils - from a depth of 2 meters.
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Casing pipes for piles. Story of piles from pipes, types and features
Any house or structure, any engineering and technical structure needs the base, the foundation, in the “solid support”. The idea of using pipes for piles, as they say, was worn in the air for a long time. The emergence of new materials and brownish technologies, their constant development led to the fact that today modern piles of pipes are no longer just an alternative to a “traditional foundation”.
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Large diameter trunk pipes: oil and gas pipes
Today, the mining industry of Russia is again on the rise. New deposits are opened and developed, existing are modernized, previously inaccessible territories rich in oil and gas are actively mastered. Of course, it is impossible to implement large -scale projects without the use of steel trunk pipes of large diameter and other types of oil and gas pipes.
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Magistral gas pipes
Gas along with oil is one of the main national wealth of Russia. Gas is energy, light and heat that create a comfortable life of people and ensure the work of enterprises, many cars are working on blue fuel today, gas and its processing products are required in various fields of industry - gas is necessary everywhere and always.
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What should be a pipe for a pile foundation
Piles as a support for various buildings have been used by builders since ancient times. The idea is clear: the significant length of this constructive, that is, the pile itself, allows you to “pierce” the weak surface layers of the soil and “reach” to the hard layers. The combination of individual piles into the overall design allows you to form a reliable base.
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What pipes for the pile foundation are best suited?
The use of pile foundations as a basis for buildings and structures is one of the most commonly used technologies in modern construction. The scope of pile foundations is very wide: from the "individual summer cottage" construction to the construction of the largest facilities in the implementation of projects of a national scale.
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How to build a foundation on piles from pipes
The foundations on piles from pipes today are becoming more and more popular in individual construction. Such grounds for a residential building or economic building do not require significant financial investments, the price of the materials used is small, their installation is carried out quickly, it is not required to attract complex construction equipment: all the work can be done with your own hands in the literal sense of the word.
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Using steel pipes in the construction of the foundation of the bridge supports
"The rivers disconnect us, the bridges help connect." The bridge is a complex engineering and technical structure that serves for transportation of coasts, overcoming a water barrier.
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Pile supports of bridges. piles under the supports
Pile supports of bridges are a pile foundation, that is, a combination of several nearby piles. In a single whole design, the grillage unites.
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